California Consumer Privacy Consumer Act (CCPA) and Universities

On January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) took effect in California. These new regulations make it increasingly difficult for brands to collect and leverage user data. Unlike GDPR, this new law does not apply to not-for-profit or...

What is Learning Experience Design?

Learning experience design focuses on delivering instructional materials that are "functional, reliable, usable, convenient, pleasurable, and meaningful," for students. On the other hand, instructional design focuses on learning outcomes and pedagogi...

Instructional Design for Higher Education

Learning new concepts and assimilating new skills are miracles, and teachers are miracle workers. The amount of time, thoughtfulness, and planning that goes into designing a single lesson plan is an extraordinary labor of love. That labor of love is ...

How to Choose an eLearning Design Agency

eLearning design, as a discipline, is responsible for designing the learning experience for online classrooms and corporate training. eLearning designers develop educational content and architect educational technology that is aligned with pedagogy t...

UNINCORPORATED featured on Clutch!

As a branding agency on a mission to raise awareness and grow enrollment for universities, we use our expertise to partner with deans, senior administration, and faculty to launch programs and promote higher education.

Top 5 eLearning Design Best Practices

eLearning is found in almost every industry. In 2017, 77% of US companies used online learning to train employees on a variety of subjects, including leadership development and continuing education.

The Ultimate Guide to Higher Education Marketing

Higher education marketing agencies have a special job. Unlike traditional products or services, they're tasked with communicating the value of a college experience, an intellectual and personal transformation.

Higher Education Branding: How Schools Stand Out

Unlike disposable commodities that consumers spend money on, a college degree is a noble pursuit. Higher education gives students the knowledge and experiences that they will have for their entire lives. A college education is the starting line of a ...

Notes on Camp in Digital Advertising

Camp is an often misunderstood aesthetic, primarily found in film and fashion, that champions style over content, irony over drama, extravagance over seriousness, and it has solidified its place in digital advertising.

How to Recruit Online Students Who Are Allergic to Advertising

18 to 34-year-olds are the most sought after age demographic of consumers, however they are increasingly becoming "adlergic." So how can online programs attract prospective students when they are using 4+ ad blocking tools?

ASMR Marketing: Michelob Pure Gold Super Bowl LIII Commercial

In a sporting event where everything is extravagant, from the half-time show to advertising budgets, how do brands beat the competition and cut through the noise? Do they crank the volume up or opt for subtlety?

Facebook's Advertising Algorithm is Discriminatory

Is it discriminatory to target digital ads based on a person's gender, age, or income? The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development says, "yes." Here's how Facebook's ads discriminate against protected classes.

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